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Monday 21 September 2020

English movie poster comparisons

HI internet my name is Kaleb and

In my year 9 English class we had to pick either 2 movie posters or book covers

and do a comparison.Here is mine on Shrek 2 

Shrek 2 movie poster #633159 - MoviePosters2.com

Shrek 2 (2004) - IMDb

What is the same

Firstly our heroes are the same.

Secondly the art style is the same

.Next donkey is on both posters.

Lastly Shrek is on both posters.

What is different

 Firstly the layout is different, the first poster shows our heroes of the film in a new location.

 While the second shows the main characters heads around the number 2

.Secondly the second poster shows more of the characters.

Next the setting is different.

 In the first poster they are in the newly introduced city.

but in the second poster they are in the sky?.

Lastly Shrek is holding the number two on one poster.

Here is my custom version of the Shrek 2 poster

Friday 21 August 2020

Animal defensive summary

 Hello internet my name is Kaleb and for my year 9 English class we had to learn how to summarise which I already knew but the way did this was writing about a animals defensive mechanism when getting attacked by a predator.

We had to chose three animal to do I chose a Hairy frog,Californicus and the Spanish ribbed newt.My teacher wanted me to chose one of the summary's so hare is my summary of the Spanish ribbed newt


This creature can also use its bones as weapons when threatened the Spanish ribbed newt can shift its ribs at an angle where it then pushes it rips out on the side so it has a row of spikes on both sides of its abdomen

Friday 14 August 2020


 Hello internet my name is Kaleb and this a Scratch code about me and the schools I went to as a kid and if I liked them or not.I made it for my year 9 ICT class. The work was not to difficult the hardest part was getting good images that was above 240p.

Monday 3 August 2020

Summary of the Magpies by Dennis Glover

Hi my name is Kaleb and for my year 9 English we had Summarise a poem made by Dennis Glover here it is 

When Tom and Elizabeth took the farm

The bracken made their bed

and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle

The magpies said

Tom’s hand was strong to the plough

and Elizabeth’s lips were red

and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle

The magpies said

Year in year out they worked

while the pines grew overhead

and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle

The magpies said

But all the beautiful crops soon went

to the mortgage man instead

and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle

The magpies said

Elizabeth is dead now (it’s long ago)

Old Tom’s gone light in the head

and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle

The magpies said

The farm’s still there. Mortgage corporations

couldn’t give it away

and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle

The magpies say.

I believe that this poem symbolizes time and how it can flow by you.The first paragraph shows the start of the farm and their journey where the second indicates that they have already set up life there.The third and fourth paragraph tells us that they are used to their routine.The final two paragraphs show the end of their journey and the farms new life.

Thursday 23 July 2020

BMEPNI Summarising task


Accelerated Learning in Literacy Term 3

Our class in Year 9 is looking at four main skills we will be looking at this term to improve our literacy.  The Fab Four skills are: 





A skill that students use to improve their literacy is to be able to summarise what they see, read, hear, view or watch.

At the start of the term, our teacher Mr McCartney got us to write about our holidays under the heading BMEPMI - which is an acronym for beginning, middle and end, positives, minuses and interesting.

Original story

 The beginning of the holidays were great. I was able to sleep in for once which was nice.I spent a lot of my time playing video games I either had not played in a long time or new games I got for my birthday which was one week prior. 

The middle of my school holiday was going great. I was once again playing video games a lot but I also built a model of our solar system The milky way. I also painted them the colours that they are commonly associated with.

The end of my holidays was bittersweet on one hand I got to see my friends,The ones I didn't talk with online,but on the other hand I have to go back to school which is not fun because it is very boring. 

A positive thing besides playing video games was getting to talk with my online friends at 3am which was fun for me because I barely sleep but probably really bad for them.I don't really have anything negative about my holidays it was an overall good experienceSomething interesting about my holidays was the last day just kinda vanished but that might have been because of the fact I was sick so i don't know.

My original story was  212 words.

Then he asked us to choose TWO sentences from each paragraph that were the main ones for beginning, middle, end, positives, minuses and interesting. 

I enjoyed my school holidays even though most of it was me playing video games,

But I did talk to my friends online a few with discord which was fun. 

 I did with help from my dad was able to create a model of the solar system we painted the planets the colours they are normally associated with.

The end of my holidays were bitter sweat on one hand I got to see my friends again but on the hand I had to go back to school, BORING also the last day just seemed to vanish but i was sick so I don't know .

Here's a good 103 word summary of my holidays.

Today we watched a ted talk about how not to be ignorant about te world.


The ted talk told us to remove personal bias. Everything is improving and not everything is dangerous.


Wednesday 1 July 2020

FLT Europe project by Kaleb Humm

Salutations internet today im going to show you a Europe presentation I made with three other friends for are year 9 FLT.We each chose one of four countries in Europe Germany,France,Spain and Italy,I chose Germany because it personal interested me. Auf wiedersehen.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

html code lerning

                                                   Html coding

what is Html code? Html code(Hypertext Markup Language) is used for creating websites.Html can be used for links writing.What is Html good for? Html code is great for making a website and putting your own twist on it.You can change the aspect ratio for a image like this one 
What does Html look like? Html can be used in many different ways you could use it for changing the border colour,text colour,background or even the colour of a link.The background colour might have changed from a white to a green or even a orange.you can change the text colour as well to maybe but if you have a light text colour and you have the background as white the text will be harder to see.How to use Html code?
The basics of html code is very simple,Lets say you want to change the border of a table you can find something that looks like this #333FFF 3p. Now when you get your hex code colour you  change the code to the one you want and the 3p is how much you want it to stand out.